How to Change Your Mind and Your Life & What You Need to Know

How to Change Your Mind and Your Life & What You Need to Know

Ready for a change but not sure how to go about making it positive or lasting?

Check out these 3 practical steps and what you need to know about changing your mind, and thus, your life. 

Learn what pivotal questions you need to ask for the right answers to appear and what you need to consider today to move forward in changing the trajectory of your life ... for good. 

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Patience: 3 Things You Need to Do During the L.A.G.

Patience: 3 Things You Need to Do During the L.A.G.

The “L.A.G.” are the 3 steps and the acronym I use to remind myself of what to do when I am feeling impatient.  It is when I cannot stand to wait, and I truly DO NOT WANT TO WAIT that this practice comes in most useful. 

“L.A.G.” is a distraction technique that is not a distraction at all but a way to deeply connect myself to a mindful, moment-to-moment practice of presence, and thus patience.

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12 Tips To Breakthrough Negativity :: How To Get Out Of A Funk

12 Tips To Breakthrough Negativity :: How To Get Out Of A Funk

Whenever you are faced with less than stellar circumstances, you can always put a twist on a N.E.G.A.T.I.V.E.

The beautiful Tachi Wiltshire at Bajezen shares her experiences and wisdom practices in slaying negative vibes, turning them into positive energy that serves her being and soul.

If ever you find you are in a funk, give these practices consideration. These may just be the positive solution you are seeking. 

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How I Know I am Never Alone and What You Need to Know

How I Know I am Never Alone and What You Need to Know

I share my 1st steps in Europe, the beginning of a Parisan adventure. Despite all that appears foreign, I am accompanied by the undercurrent of good that underwrites my life.

Not knowing language or land, I find myself greeted by familiar souls, bridging the sacred past to the ever unfolding present.

In this post, I share my experience and the the five spiritual practices that have nursed and nurtured my personal growth. Through these 5 steps, I practice presence - staying connected to the ever present good that is life. 

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How to Surrender Control and Totally Love Your Life

How to Surrender Control and Totally Love Your Life

The facts tell all: to do lists, organizers, schedules, bullet journals, even recipes! Although these are tools for productive (and yummy 😋) living, we may be a bit attached. Rather than utilizing them as tools, we’ve become somewhat neurotic and dependent - our tools run us!!  (Think about your smart phone 😬😳😱). 

Check out these 6 audacious practices that help keep me ahead of the addiction to control. They “grow” me out of my comfort zone as I lean into the bliss that is my one precious life.

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7 Benefits of Deep Breathing and What You Need to Know

7 Benefits of Deep Breathing and What You Need to Know

This awareness of breathing deeply is the beginning of a larger awareness of Self that is a blue print to what makes you tick.

The practice of slow, deep, intentional breathing is a window to better understand yourself: insight on what drives you, and what might be behind your actions.

Slowing down the breath may also hold the key to the mystery of life, providing profound insights to your soul’s purpose.

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A Solution for Stress and What You Need To Do NOW 💆🏻‍♀️

A Solution for Stress and What You Need To Do NOW 💆🏻‍♀️

Stress can make us react, rather than respond to situations, people, places and things.

Reaction might cause us to snap, snap, and attack (even when we don’t mean to!). We all can become growly bears when we feel depleted right?

With story and insights, I share with you the SDB Method (TM) - Stop. Drop. and Breath Stress Response Method (TM) to help you come back to center.

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H.A.L.T. :: 4 Signs to STOP for Self-Care and How to Refuel You Need to Know

H.A.L.T. :: 4 Signs to STOP for Self-Care and How to Refuel You Need to Know

H.A.L.T. :: Hungry . Angry . Lonely . Tired .

Just as a car needs fuel to run, so too, do the trinity of our body, mind, and spirit. We must make sure we are not running on empty.

When we feel drained, it is time to stop and refuel. To avoid breakdown and disaster, we can remember to stop and take care of ourselves.  A great way to remember to yield - to STOP for self-care is to remember the word and acronym: HALT.

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7 Powerful Practices of Courage You Need To Master On The Journey Home To Yourself

7 Powerful Practices of Courage You Need To Master On The Journey Home To Yourself

Home is where our heart is. In the journey home to the heart, we have ample opportunities to recognize the Truth of Our Being so that we can honor the authenticity of our soul's path, and who we’ve come to be.

Mastering these 7 powerful practices of courage requires commitment, consistency and even charisma!  May this practice, along with insightful questions, lead you home to a greater awareness of your purpose and calling in life.

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5 Positive Reasons To Reclaim Your Personal Power You Need To Know

5 Positive Reasons To Reclaim Your Personal Power You Need To Know

From where, or from whom, do you source your power?  

True to the words, I define personal power as something deeply personal:  Personal power is my own ability to influence, sway, relate to and utilize the power that courses through me, as me, within me to run my life in a way that empowers my living. 

These 5 Guardrails to Happiness (TM) had helped me safeguard and reclaim my personal power, and I believe that with practice, you too can reclaim your happy too!   

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The Truth About the Greatest Love Of All

The Truth About the Greatest Love Of All

As Valentines Day approaches this year, I’ve been thinking about the value of this holiday. Negative perspectives have been springing up around our electronic consciousness (aka social media outlets) about this “sweet as a toothache” holiday.  

These current rattlings in the world have inspired me to think deeper about the idea of Love and to invite my single friends to transform the negative stigma of Valentine’s Day for those uninvolved in romantic relationships....

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Come Home to Worth

Come Home to Worth

Success is a result of hard work.  But, success is not me.  It is no different than saying failure is not me.

What we do or not do does NOT determine our worth.

We are inherently worthy just as we come.

Coming home to ourself is a single conscious moment of awareness of where we are and what we are simply is.  Rather than human doings, we live as human beings.

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The Real Gift of Gratitude

The inherent gift of gratitude is the presence of mind, body, soul, spirit and being to mindfully live life with relentless embrace.
— Rev. Evelyn Foreman, M. Div.

Gratitude is a common word.  It is a value many hold dear.

"What is it about gratitude that is so appealing?" You might wonder. 

Let's be straight:  sometimes, with the ground beneath us crumbles, and our heart breaks in a million thousand pieces, and it seems one unfortunate event happens to another, gratitude might be the last thing that sits at the tip of your tongue.

Yet, the instruction for practice is to give thanks anyway.  Not only to say thank you but to cultivate the feeling of thanks - to give thanks for nothing in return.

It takes a strong soul to give thanks for nothing in return.  It requires a noble heart, and willing participant to be present to nothingness.  Can you be this person?

When we give thanks, we become present in life.  When we are present (rather than absent-minded) we are living each moment of our lives fully.

The real gift is not whether you will get something in return when you give thanks.  The inherent gift of gratitude is the presence of mind, body, soul, spirit and being to mindfully live life with a relentless embrace.

What one thing might you give thanks for today to be present to your beautiful, poetic, precious life?  Please share as you are called. <3

Make Yourself a Priority

So much of what we do is in the name of service ~ to provide for, to care for, to be in service to another.  In our own way, we contribute to a better world and create the future of planet Earth for our children.

Along the way, I have gathered and learned some sage wisdom.  One of them is to fill my own cup first, before serving another.  This practice is not one of selfishness, it is one of preservation.

One cannot serve from an empty cup, after all.  Giving on an empty cup is a path to burnout and resentment. 

If you feel overworked and scarce, stop.  Name one thing you can do for yourself today that will be nurturing for you, be it a walk, 5 minutes of breath, a pedicure, or just washing your hair!  

Make yourself a priority! YOU ARE WORTH IT!  Take care of YOU ... and take loving action (to practice self-care) today. <3 

What's your favorite self-care activity?  Share it with us as you are called! <3

10 to Zen :: Practicing Surrender as a Path of Remembering

If anyone knows me and my sweet family, they'll know that we are upwardly mobile.  Every couple of years, we are on an adventure, and we live in a new state (body, mind, and spirit), allowing us to renew what we need and release what we do not.

Our philosophy that life is to be lived, embraced and experienced has given us the courage to relocate where we want, anywhere in the world.  This privileged lifestyle has paved way for us to meet amazing people everywhere we have resided, and we love it.

This gives way to clear out not simply the physical items, but also the emotional baggage that may have collected. 

One of the most amazing gifts about moving often is the opportunity to clear out what we no longer need.  

Intentionally releasing the item(s) frees the energy to travel back from wherever it came.  This list is part of our moving list now, and I'm sharing it in case anyone wants to join us in surrendering that which no longer serves ...  Aho!



Drunk ... On Gratitude

Who would have guessed that anyone can put the words drunk & gratitude in an inspirational message?  

Rumi was a genius in so many ways, with intoxicating words that lure my spirit into the courageous act of possibility!

No one says the practice of gratitude had to be controlled and tempered. 

Let's take a hint from nature - and change our way of being every so often...let's be grateful.

What would unfold if every ONE of us became totally overtaken and completely grateful for EVERYTHING?

The world would be a marvelous place of appreciation and our life would be an immersion of cherished experiences. 


Let Gratitude Guide Me

There is always a deeper story to every thing.  The deeper, underlying story is the unfolding of my sacred journey.  

When I come upon challenges and difficulties in life, I might often wish it away, wondering how I got myself into such a predicament? Yet, when I get still, and present to the moment of struggle, I realize it is an opportunity.  

The most poignant challenge that comes to mind is giving birth.  In the middle of birth, when all is in the process of unfolding, I remember wondering how I could get away from the difficulty.

The experience of natural birth has provided me a 1st hand experience that what is before me is in fact, a gift.  

Many blessings came from birthing my 1st child.  Not only did I receive the gift of my son, I learned earnestly to "lean into it."  With this, learning that the experience of birthing itself is guidance to trust the intuitive process of emergence, for baby and my own soul.

The experience of moving past the difficulty is the guide that came for me.  With it, I was taught to trust. I now use this pattern of recognition whenever I am confronted with a challenge.

As I accept the challenge before me, I relax into the idea that, for whatever reason, what I am confronted with in this present moment is here to serve me.

I give thanks knowing that what is before me is guiding me back to the Truth of my being. For this faith, and for this guidance, I am grateful.  

What difficulty have you had in the past that you now recognize as a guide from beyond?  Please share as you are called.

Be Grateful

I declare every Thursday as Thankful Thursday!!


As I give thanks, I become present to the power of how my attitude sets me up for my experience.  When I practice mindfulness and give thanks for the abundance of the present moment, I become present to the gift that is my life.  

Immediately, I remember that I have everything I need to succeed and live happily: oxygen, water, food, shelter, clothing.  Everything else that is present - which is ALWAYS so much more than the basic necessities - is a bonus!  

I become present to the abundance that overflows, continuously, creating for me experiences of grace, mercy, and serendipitous fortune!

As a human being, there are times when I forget just how abundant my life is.  (Anyone ever experience this forgetfulness?) 

When mindfulness of thanksgiving is absent in consciousness, I notice a less ideal experience.  I might feel it in my body as constriction.  The voice in my head speaks loudly, sometimes shouting.  My breath becomes a bit shallow, and I feel tightness all around.

Come back to your heart.
— Give Thanks

In times like these, when I feel restricted, I get to return to the sticky note on my desktop:  "Come back to the Heart."  

My road back is always a change of mind - to the positive!  Rather than anything else, I choose again to cultivate gratitude.

Gratefulness puts me on the right track. Again and again, I return. 

Join me in returning back to the heart - give thanks today for 3 things present in your life.  

Mine are: My precious children, the love of my husband and gift of sacred friendships.  What are yours?

Be Grateful for Whoever Comes

Sometimes, the guide that arrives may not be what you expect.  Visitors in our life have a way of teaching us what we need to know.  

The most powerful guides are often those that irk us most - the unfriendly neighbor, other children that tease us, the annoying driver that cut us off in traffic.

These guides are powerful because they remind us of the work we've still got to do.  If we remain open, we might learn that they are exactly what we need to remember the Truth of our being.  

The rude driver might remind us, for example, that we are not petty, and we can forgive easily.  If we are not reminded of this, then, we get to practice forgiveness and compassion!

Our annoying Auntie Mae, for example, might be present to teach us that patience, particularly to bite our tongue. Whomever that is, what ever it is, considering our visitors as teachers can help us better understand ourselves - like a self-study course on insight.  For the gift of appreciating this, I am grateful!

Who or what in your life that came as a disguised blessing are you grateful for?

Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

All the challenges I have ever had has made me stronger, more resilient ... brave.

My experiences, difficult as they may seem at the moment they were occurring had a purpose.  At the very least, they have fortified me to be who I stand today.

If you are facing a difficult situation today, you are not alone.  All that is influx is rearranging itself, conspiring to support us in becoming who we were always meant to be.

Let us count our blessings as the lucky ones to experience the wholeness of life in this situation now.  Amen.

#Blessed #IamBlessed #IamWhole