10 to Zen :: Practicing Surrender as a Path of Remembering

If anyone knows me and my sweet family, they'll know that we are upwardly mobile.  Every couple of years, we are on an adventure, and we live in a new state (body, mind, and spirit), allowing us to renew what we need and release what we do not.

Our philosophy that life is to be lived, embraced and experienced has given us the courage to relocate where we want, anywhere in the world.  This privileged lifestyle has paved way for us to meet amazing people everywhere we have resided, and we love it.

This gives way to clear out not simply the physical items, but also the emotional baggage that may have collected. 

One of the most amazing gifts about moving often is the opportunity to clear out what we no longer need.  

Intentionally releasing the item(s) frees the energy to travel back from wherever it came.  This list is part of our moving list now, and I'm sharing it in case anyone wants to join us in surrendering that which no longer serves ...  Aho!



Feel the Fear - Do It Anyway

F.E.A.R.   FALSE EVIDENCE, Appearing Real...

Fear reminds us of our humanity.  

Fear, like pain, is a signal for us to pay attention.  It wakes us up to be conscious of our actions, words, deeds and intentions.

If you feel fear today, don't forget to look mindfully, pray ceaseless, and know that you always have a choice.  

Check in, feel it... if the still small voice says YES! (Despite what the ego says) - then listen and act as you are called.

No one ever found new lands without the willingness to leave the shore... <3