Gratitude Changes Everything

In times when all seems stagnant, awry and unwell, remember to give thanks.

Remember:  Gratitude changes everything.

It has been over 6+ years since I lost my baby through a fetal miscarriage.  At the time, my experience of loss was raw, and I was in deep grief.  Life felt like a burden as I dealt with the experience of grief and deep sadness.  

I wondered if I would ever stand amid the light again as I laid in bed, wondering what and how I could have changed things.

Inspirational readings and spiritual know-how did very little to move the energy along. 

One day, in the silence of meditation, it dropped in like a ton of bricks.  Almost as severe as devastating loss, the practice of gratitude entered my consciousness like an Angel, giving hope and new life.

I started to give thanks and with each passing day, I felt slowly excavated from my stagnation and heavy heart.  

As my heart opened, new life began - so much so that we conceived another time.  

Today, this miraculous conceptions my daughter, who is now 4 years old.  One of middle name is Grace.  It is through grace and gratitude that my life has been forever altered.  For this, I give whole-hearted thanks!  

Did you Know that October is Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month?  Be a blessing: Find out more and learn how to help others through this experience.

What one circumstance in your life might you want to change? 

What of gratitude turns it completely around for you?  How might you give thanks (either by deed, action, or affirmation) to activate this change?

Drunk ... On Gratitude

Who would have guessed that anyone can put the words drunk & gratitude in an inspirational message?  

Rumi was a genius in so many ways, with intoxicating words that lure my spirit into the courageous act of possibility!

No one says the practice of gratitude had to be controlled and tempered. 

Let's take a hint from nature - and change our way of being every so often...let's be grateful.

What would unfold if every ONE of us became totally overtaken and completely grateful for EVERYTHING?

The world would be a marvelous place of appreciation and our life would be an immersion of cherished experiences. 


Your work is to discover your world and with all your heart, give yourself to it

Giving something with "all your heart" is a gift of devotion.  What is truly worthy to give ourselves to?  ... to give all our heart to?  ... to give all our love to?

My gift is a legacy that was handed down to me by my late mom: to be Mom, sacred guardians for my own children.

My mother devoted her whole life to create an opportunity for her children to live their lives unencumbered.  In unimaginable ways, It is because of my mother's love and devotion that I am possible today.

My work of discovering my world - my family and children - was 33 years in the making before I realized what I was willing to give all my heart to.  The work of discovery is not a fast road, nor an easy one.

It has been a journey, one that has lived many lives of it's own. As I continue to grow and allow life to discover me, I make decisions now that continue to feed my work, knowing that I am the One I've been waiting for.  What sacred work awaits you on your journey?  Have you discovered yet what you are wlling to give yourself to?

Live Life As If Everything is Set in Your Favor

I absolutely LOVE this reminder: "Live life as If EVERYTHING is set in your favor" because it is!

When I was in my early 20's I met Nicki. Nicki was about 5 years younger than me, but what she said made a huge impact on my perspective of life.

I was faced with difficulties of choice and challenge as any 20 something year old would.  I honestly cannot remember what my challenge was, but I remember what she said to me.  

She asked me to look back on all the challenges in my life - every single one of them. She even asked me to call up the most difficult moments that I wished was not so.

And then, she asked me to get present in the moment.  And when I did, she reminded that I am, as I was present, perfectly okay. I am safe, no matter what. 

She asked me to realize that whatever occurred in my past has already happened and that, as things are working itself out right in THIS moment, they too, will be okay.

Without even knowing it, she helped me understand and to subscribe to the belief that truly everything conspires to my favor!  

Everything, ALWAYS works out - either I win, or I learn. Either way, I ALWAYS come up on with abundance overflowing.  This is a miraculous truth:  that everything is set in my favor!  Thank you, and bless you, Nicki, for your sage advice and wisdom!

Can you relate to a difficulty, that you can see now how it has served you?  Please share as you are called.  Namaste, dear Heart.  Light in you as you remember your soul and unfold with grace. <3

Looking Inward, I Change with Courage

Looking inward, I change with courage.   

No longer am I the adolescent whose passion is to rule the world.

Mastering our inner landscape requires great courage - the terrain is uncharted and requires patience, faith, and devotion.  

I hear my heart crying out, needing my attention.  Wisely, I travel to the pulse that calls to me inward.

Every day, the practice is to be still, to listen, and to take guided intentional action.

Writing, reflection, creativity, and service to my higher calling are a priority. Everything else that does not serve the connected guidance from within is lovingly thanked, and dismissed.  Admittedly, there continues to be a lot of casualties!

My soul and my life are sacred experiences where "should haves, could haves, would haves" no longer live.  Attachments, obligations, and resentments no longer have their place here.  

Courageously, I temper any fear that arises knowing that the only part of the fear that exists is the useful kind, supporting my becoming, and informing me, reminding me to be ever present.  As you are called, please share the wisdom of your heart. <3

My Soul is My Guide

In times when we feel lost, we often look for advice from all around us.  We ask friends, families, mental health professionals.

Often times, solace is sought through escape:  we numb out, distract ourselves and look for a solution to our heart problems.

In times when it feels as though nothing is right, look within.

The answer is written on our hearts.  

Our soul is on mission here to reignite who we've come to be.  In order to truly live, let go of dear life.  

In times of challenge, when the last thing I want to go is let go, I heed this memory:  surrender, and let my soul be my guide



Feel the Fear - Do It Anyway

F.E.A.R.   FALSE EVIDENCE, Appearing Real...

Fear reminds us of our humanity.  

Fear, like pain, is a signal for us to pay attention.  It wakes us up to be conscious of our actions, words, deeds and intentions.

If you feel fear today, don't forget to look mindfully, pray ceaseless, and know that you always have a choice.  

Check in, feel it... if the still small voice says YES! (Despite what the ego says) - then listen and act as you are called.

No one ever found new lands without the willingness to leave the shore... <3 

Courage is the Willingness to Act Inspire of Fear

To be true to our soul's calling, we must be brave.

Live courageously, dear Heart, knowing that who we are today is a result of every decision we have ever made in our life:  every thought, every word, every action brings us to present.

...and all is well!

If you are on the cusp of a decision that feels overwhelming, take heart!  Be brave.  Have courage.  

Know that Spirit calls us ways that might feel terrifying.  If this is the case, and fear arises, take a breath ~ know that all is conspiring to help you grow.

Today, embrace that which is calling on your heart, and with courage, take action.