11 Questions That Will Inspire You as a Blogger

11 Questions That Will Inspire You as a Blogger

These 11 questions were asked of me, and have inspired me to renew my commitment to my craft.  In turn, I've got 11 original questions for you to (re)ignite your passion for getting out there and speaking your Truth. 

A big Mahalo (Thank you in Hawaiian) to fellow island girl and heart-centered blogger, Tachi Wilshire for recognizing me and nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award.  This award allows the blogging community to support, promote and encourage one another, connecting us to our common bond: writing in the digital media space.   For this privilege, I am honored, and humbled.  Please visit these fabulous blogs on my list of nominations.  They are AMAZING!!

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Practice Gratefulness

Gratitude opens the heart to possibility and the eye to see the good.
— Rev. Evelyn Foreman

The definition of respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

When we are grateful, we cultivate conditions to open our heart to possibility, and our eyes to good.

To be grateful is to expand our energy, releasing us from a position of defensiveness (one that is guarded with suspicion), to a an open, expansive welcoming, embrace of anyone with whom we might feel in opposition.

In practicing gratefulness, we surrender belligerence and the need to be right.  Rather, we decidedly take a stand in awe, and we intentional marvel at the possibility before us.

It is in times when we feel the least grateful, when we catch ourselves complaining, whining, blaming or shaming, that we need most this practice. 

Let the practice of gratitude, and open-hearted appreciation be the path home to your sacred, most noble self.

What might you find difficult to give thanks for?  How might you start shifting your awareness of the good that can come out it?  Please share as it speaks to you. <3

The Real Gift of Gratitude

The inherent gift of gratitude is the presence of mind, body, soul, spirit and being to mindfully live life with relentless embrace.
— Rev. Evelyn Foreman, M. Div.

Gratitude is a common word.  It is a value many hold dear.

"What is it about gratitude that is so appealing?" You might wonder. 

Let's be straight:  sometimes, with the ground beneath us crumbles, and our heart breaks in a million thousand pieces, and it seems one unfortunate event happens to another, gratitude might be the last thing that sits at the tip of your tongue.

Yet, the instruction for practice is to give thanks anyway.  Not only to say thank you but to cultivate the feeling of thanks - to give thanks for nothing in return.

It takes a strong soul to give thanks for nothing in return.  It requires a noble heart, and willing participant to be present to nothingness.  Can you be this person?

When we give thanks, we become present in life.  When we are present (rather than absent-minded) we are living each moment of our lives fully.

The real gift is not whether you will get something in return when you give thanks.  The inherent gift of gratitude is the presence of mind, body, soul, spirit and being to mindfully live life with a relentless embrace.

What one thing might you give thanks for today to be present to your beautiful, poetic, precious life?  Please share as you are called. <3

Today, I am Grateful

Declaring, "Today, I am grateful" is the way to begin any day, every day.

What would happen if everyone on Earth should start the day declaring that they are grateful?

A day at a time, a moment at a time, be grateful.

As Westerners, we live our lives in such abundance, and with so much convenience that we may not fully appreciate it all.  Just the sheer fact that we have food in the frig, clothes that keep us warm, and transportation when we need it is amazing. 

Even if the need is not material, many of us have someone to call 'friend.'  We are surrounded by technology; even reading this post is amazing.  We forget sometimes, the fortunate lives we live.

We can call each other on wireless devices called our mobile phones.  We can see each other despite being on the other side of the globe.  We have access to food, entertainment, and simply luxuries like gourmet coffee.  

Have you stopped today to count your blessings?

Join me in finishing the following sentence, "Today, I am grateful for the following 3 things..." 

Begin Each Day with a Grateful Heart

For me, my day begins the moment of waking consciousness.
— Rev. Evelyn Foreman, M. Div.

How do you begin each day?  Does your day begin after coffee?  Or do you count the moment you place your feet on the floor as the beginning of the day?

There are days when my eyes are still closed, and I lay in bed, feeling the warmth of my sheets. Still other days, I am awakened by the rustling of my children, whispering to each other at the foot of my bed. 

At the point of waking consciousness, I pray.  My prayers is always the same - everyday, regardless of who wakes me or how I wake.  Whether my eyes are opened or closed, my prayer is the same: thank you.

My gratitude extends from the life I am privileged to live, to the lives on my. path:  my loving family, my dear friends and even those who call me to my best and highest self.  

Everyday, I begin with two little words that comprise of my daily prayer: THANK YOU.

How about you, dear One?  How do you begin your day? <3

Gratitude Changes Everything

In times when all seems stagnant, awry and unwell, remember to give thanks.

Remember:  Gratitude changes everything.

It has been over 6+ years since I lost my baby through a fetal miscarriage.  At the time, my experience of loss was raw, and I was in deep grief.  Life felt like a burden as I dealt with the experience of grief and deep sadness.  

I wondered if I would ever stand amid the light again as I laid in bed, wondering what and how I could have changed things.

Inspirational readings and spiritual know-how did very little to move the energy along. 

One day, in the silence of meditation, it dropped in like a ton of bricks.  Almost as severe as devastating loss, the practice of gratitude entered my consciousness like an Angel, giving hope and new life.

I started to give thanks and with each passing day, I felt slowly excavated from my stagnation and heavy heart.  

As my heart opened, new life began - so much so that we conceived another time.  

Today, this miraculous conceptions my daughter, who is now 4 years old.  One of middle name is Grace.  It is through grace and gratitude that my life has been forever altered.  For this, I give whole-hearted thanks!  

Did you Know that October is Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month?  Be a blessing: Find out more and learn how to help others through this experience.

What one circumstance in your life might you want to change? 

What of gratitude turns it completely around for you?  How might you give thanks (either by deed, action, or affirmation) to activate this change?

Turn Your Life Around

Whether hiking or life, once in a while, we might find ourselves caught in a place that we'd rather not be.

In the context of hiking, we might step in a mud puddle that we wish we wouldn't have.  In life, it might be a situation or a circumstance that we'd rather not experience.

Rather than to simply wish it away, I realize it does no good for me to struggle, complain or curse, for that matter!  In both instances, it truly helps to adopt a positive frame of mind so that any problem-solving abilities I might possess will come to the surface. 

Because I would personally rather be in a positive mood than a grumpy one, I stay open to how I might turn my mood from foul to free?

Through life transitions, especially those that seem to feel especially difficult, like grief or losses, I have learned to be present to what comes up. 

As I acknowledge where I am, I give thanks, knowing that whatever is unfolding is conspiring for me.

I dare to pour my faith into knowing and feeling grateful that all of life is FOR me.  As I do so, I loosen my attachments to the outcome of whats unfolding, and miracles unfold.

The practice of gratitude, continual thankfulness for whatever is, enables me to turn my life around.  

How and in which way do you practice that creates positive results? Please share as you are called. <3 Namaste

Happy People & The Inner World

The power of the mind, coupled with the human spirit, is an incredible duo.  

There are two ways to experience life. 

The former is to look at our outer circumstances and allow our 5 senses to be the driver of our happiness, a measure of success and self-worth.  The latter is to allow our inner life to inform our degree of happiness, the measure of success and self-worth.

We've all heard of the saying: if you believe it to be true, then it's true for you. 

This means that regardless of fact, stats or story, if I believe something to be true, my heart and mind will align to make it so.  The brain, after all, has evolved to support this, even in the so-called objective data of observation. 

Our faith deepens what we will see, regardless of fact.  

I remember the times in my life when I was unhappy.  knowingly or unknowingly, I said yes to blame, shame, criticism, complaint, and judgment.  Just re-reading this post sentence makes me feel icky.  Why would I have chosen that?

Well, for starters, I 'm not sure if the choice was one of conscious awareness.  We all slide up and down the scale of conscious awareness (sometimes, taking many trips a day), don't we?  This is part of our human beingness.

As awakened individuals, our task is to be present to our own "icky."  Regardless of situation or circumstance, when we feel our icky coming on, our job is to be aware of and stay vigilant to our attitude.

We can stop ourselves from the rising negative tide by deliberately focusing on gratitude, and engage ourselves in the practice of counting our blessings.  This simple mindful process can lift the clouds and change the weather, raising awareness the good that surrounds us all.

Choose happiness today! 

Have you undergone such a practice to turn your frown upside down?  Please share the experience with us as you are called. <3 

Life is a Series of Tiny Little Miracles

Life is a series of tiny little miracles, and when I am present to this, I am profoundly grateful.

Even before conception, the pattern of possibility is imprinted in our DNA.  Each moment, each breath, each millisecond, life is a miracle.  

One miracle, strung together with another, in each moment of our lives, we become who we are, and we realize who we are to be.

What better way to express thanksgiving but to embrace each moment, living fully in alignment with our soul's purpose?

Whether we accept it, or not, each one of us is a miracle, unfolding as an expression of sacred life. Realize this, and be grateful <3.  Namaste.

Pause...take a breath. 

For moment, what are you present to that is profound to you, dear One?  

Let Gratitude Guide Me

There is always a deeper story to every thing.  The deeper, underlying story is the unfolding of my sacred journey.  

When I come upon challenges and difficulties in life, I might often wish it away, wondering how I got myself into such a predicament? Yet, when I get still, and present to the moment of struggle, I realize it is an opportunity.  

The most poignant challenge that comes to mind is giving birth.  In the middle of birth, when all is in the process of unfolding, I remember wondering how I could get away from the difficulty.

The experience of natural birth has provided me a 1st hand experience that what is before me is in fact, a gift.  

Many blessings came from birthing my 1st child.  Not only did I receive the gift of my son, I learned earnestly to "lean into it."  With this, learning that the experience of birthing itself is guidance to trust the intuitive process of emergence, for baby and my own soul.

The experience of moving past the difficulty is the guide that came for me.  With it, I was taught to trust. I now use this pattern of recognition whenever I am confronted with a challenge.

As I accept the challenge before me, I relax into the idea that, for whatever reason, what I am confronted with in this present moment is here to serve me.

I give thanks knowing that what is before me is guiding me back to the Truth of my being. For this faith, and for this guidance, I am grateful.  

What difficulty have you had in the past that you now recognize as a guide from beyond?  Please share as you are called.

Be Grateful

I declare every Thursday as Thankful Thursday!!


As I give thanks, I become present to the power of how my attitude sets me up for my experience.  When I practice mindfulness and give thanks for the abundance of the present moment, I become present to the gift that is my life.  

Immediately, I remember that I have everything I need to succeed and live happily: oxygen, water, food, shelter, clothing.  Everything else that is present - which is ALWAYS so much more than the basic necessities - is a bonus!  

I become present to the abundance that overflows, continuously, creating for me experiences of grace, mercy, and serendipitous fortune!

As a human being, there are times when I forget just how abundant my life is.  (Anyone ever experience this forgetfulness?) 

When mindfulness of thanksgiving is absent in consciousness, I notice a less ideal experience.  I might feel it in my body as constriction.  The voice in my head speaks loudly, sometimes shouting.  My breath becomes a bit shallow, and I feel tightness all around.

Come back to your heart.
— Give Thanks

In times like these, when I feel restricted, I get to return to the sticky note on my desktop:  "Come back to the Heart."  

My road back is always a change of mind - to the positive!  Rather than anything else, I choose again to cultivate gratitude.

Gratefulness puts me on the right track. Again and again, I return. 

Join me in returning back to the heart - give thanks today for 3 things present in your life.  

Mine are: My precious children, the love of my husband and gift of sacred friendships.  What are yours?

Be Grateful for Whoever Comes

Sometimes, the guide that arrives may not be what you expect.  Visitors in our life have a way of teaching us what we need to know.  

The most powerful guides are often those that irk us most - the unfriendly neighbor, other children that tease us, the annoying driver that cut us off in traffic.

These guides are powerful because they remind us of the work we've still got to do.  If we remain open, we might learn that they are exactly what we need to remember the Truth of our being.  

The rude driver might remind us, for example, that we are not petty, and we can forgive easily.  If we are not reminded of this, then, we get to practice forgiveness and compassion!

Our annoying Auntie Mae, for example, might be present to teach us that patience, particularly to bite our tongue. Whomever that is, what ever it is, considering our visitors as teachers can help us better understand ourselves - like a self-study course on insight.  For the gift of appreciating this, I am grateful!

Who or what in your life that came as a disguised blessing are you grateful for?

An Attitude of Gratitude

Ever since I was a little girl, I was taught that your attitude determines your happiness in life.  Regardless of the adversity I've experienced, I have always held this lesson near and dear to my heart:  for all things, be grateful.  

Things go right?  Be grateful.  Things out of control? Be grateful?  Things falling apart? Be grateful.  

Being grateful is the key to all things good.

Honestly, by the time I was a teenager, I was tired of being grateful.  As a teenager, I could remember many things that I was living with that I didn't want to be grateful for - and still, gratitude had been such a foundational practice for me that I found myself giving thanks, even though I was rebelling from family and finding my way.

Today, I give thanks for this foundation.  

My Mom taught me well, to have an attitude of gratitude, regardless of comes my way.  It has been a foundation of abundance, perspective and healing for me.  This lesson continues to teach me that grace is always in the midst and that being grateful is the key to all things good.

The Secret to Having It All is Knowing You Already Do

When I find myself upset, grumpy, or generally having a hard time, I remember to remember that life is a process, and I already have it all ~ I AM ALIVE!!!

Remembering this opens my hearts and I can breath again! The more I give thanks, the more conscious I become to the abundance that channels in me, through me and as me.

And then, I don't even remember why I was agitated in the first place! Who or what do you appreciate today that you want to claim in gratitude?

Please share it below as you are called.

<3 Evelyn .

#GratitudePractice #ThankfulThursday #TT

Focus on the Good

When I (we) focus on the good, I (we) pave way for the positive, making room for miracles.

I give thanks today, for the UNITY Movement, and for all those whom I've been privileged enough to walk with - because of this love, I am a walking miracle.

What do you claim in gratitude today?

Please share it below as you are called. <3 Evelyn

#GratitudePractice #ThankfulThursday #TT

Enough is a Feast

We stick with the basics during our daily family dinner meal: a protein + greens and (usually) rice (After all, I am Asian ;-D). If we have dessert, fruit follows.

It is simple, but a feast b/c of the overflowing abundance that is love expressing in our lives...and WOW! I give thanks for that bounty! What feast shows up in your life??

Let's rejoice and give thanks together!

<3 Blessings, Evelyn

#ThankfulThursday #TT #Gratitude

The Mindful Practice of Whole-Hearted Gratitude

Follow Your Heart

Relationships. Life adventures. Relocations. New beginnings. Entrances and exits. 

No one said that following your heart is ever an easy choice. 

There are days when we are confronted, face-to-face with our own fear, perceived, or otherwise ~ the FALSE evidence (appearing real) shows up. On days like that (like, perhaps, a Monday), distractions might arise to make you wonder why you are on this blessed path! 

Self-doubts rears it's lil head - second guessing and questioning whether you were in your "right mind" when you made the decision to follow your call... On days like these - perhaps today, if you feel other than completely aligned and centered, take a breath and remember just how connected you really are. 

Just for today, if you are not feeling TOTALLY CONNECTED within, know that you are connected to SO MANY who are having the same experience... and then, through a conscious, deep breath, the choice to return to your heart, and therefore to your center, is always available...and waiting! 

Join me in taking a breath (right now, in mid sentence :-D and remember: When all else fails, follow your wise heart ~ it knows the way. 

Please feel free to share below as you are called. 

With blessings, <3 Evelyn

#SacredHeart #Courage #PathofPresence#TheCallofSpirit

Appreciate Everything

When the heart is full, life brims with hope and possibility!

I appreciate every breath of my path today, good, bad, and indifferent ~ from the treacherous journey across the seas to America, to losing my mom way too young, and therefore, growing up way too fast, to my long path to Cliff, today, I am grateful.

I appreciate all that has occurred to make today, exactly as it is, including the journey back to the sacred heart, remembering the Truth of my being. Thank you, Spirit, for expressing in, through and as me now.

What well's up in your heart as you read this? Who or what do you appreciate today that you want to claim in gratitude? Please share it below as you are called. <3 Evelyn