Be Grateful

I declare every Thursday as Thankful Thursday!!


As I give thanks, I become present to the power of how my attitude sets me up for my experience.  When I practice mindfulness and give thanks for the abundance of the present moment, I become present to the gift that is my life.  

Immediately, I remember that I have everything I need to succeed and live happily: oxygen, water, food, shelter, clothing.  Everything else that is present - which is ALWAYS so much more than the basic necessities - is a bonus!  

I become present to the abundance that overflows, continuously, creating for me experiences of grace, mercy, and serendipitous fortune!

As a human being, there are times when I forget just how abundant my life is.  (Anyone ever experience this forgetfulness?) 

When mindfulness of thanksgiving is absent in consciousness, I notice a less ideal experience.  I might feel it in my body as constriction.  The voice in my head speaks loudly, sometimes shouting.  My breath becomes a bit shallow, and I feel tightness all around.

Come back to your heart.
— Give Thanks

In times like these, when I feel restricted, I get to return to the sticky note on my desktop:  "Come back to the Heart."  

My road back is always a change of mind - to the positive!  Rather than anything else, I choose again to cultivate gratitude.

Gratefulness puts me on the right track. Again and again, I return. 

Join me in returning back to the heart - give thanks today for 3 things present in your life.  

Mine are: My precious children, the love of my husband and gift of sacred friendships.  What are yours?

Be Grateful for Whoever Comes

Sometimes, the guide that arrives may not be what you expect.  Visitors in our life have a way of teaching us what we need to know.  

The most powerful guides are often those that irk us most - the unfriendly neighbor, other children that tease us, the annoying driver that cut us off in traffic.

These guides are powerful because they remind us of the work we've still got to do.  If we remain open, we might learn that they are exactly what we need to remember the Truth of our being.  

The rude driver might remind us, for example, that we are not petty, and we can forgive easily.  If we are not reminded of this, then, we get to practice forgiveness and compassion!

Our annoying Auntie Mae, for example, might be present to teach us that patience, particularly to bite our tongue. Whomever that is, what ever it is, considering our visitors as teachers can help us better understand ourselves - like a self-study course on insight.  For the gift of appreciating this, I am grateful!

Who or what in your life that came as a disguised blessing are you grateful for?

An Attitude of Gratitude

Ever since I was a little girl, I was taught that your attitude determines your happiness in life.  Regardless of the adversity I've experienced, I have always held this lesson near and dear to my heart:  for all things, be grateful.  

Things go right?  Be grateful.  Things out of control? Be grateful?  Things falling apart? Be grateful.  

Being grateful is the key to all things good.

Honestly, by the time I was a teenager, I was tired of being grateful.  As a teenager, I could remember many things that I was living with that I didn't want to be grateful for - and still, gratitude had been such a foundational practice for me that I found myself giving thanks, even though I was rebelling from family and finding my way.

Today, I give thanks for this foundation.  

My Mom taught me well, to have an attitude of gratitude, regardless of comes my way.  It has been a foundation of abundance, perspective and healing for me.  This lesson continues to teach me that grace is always in the midst and that being grateful is the key to all things good.

Courage is the Willingness to Act Inspire of Fear

To be true to our soul's calling, we must be brave.

Live courageously, dear Heart, knowing that who we are today is a result of every decision we have ever made in our life:  every thought, every word, every action brings us to present.

...and all is well!

If you are on the cusp of a decision that feels overwhelming, take heart!  Be brave.  Have courage.  

Know that Spirit calls us ways that might feel terrifying.  If this is the case, and fear arises, take a breath ~ know that all is conspiring to help you grow.

Today, embrace that which is calling on your heart, and with courage, take action.  

Follow Your Heart

Relationships. Life adventures. Relocations. New beginnings. Entrances and exits. 

No one said that following your heart is ever an easy choice. 

There are days when we are confronted, face-to-face with our own fear, perceived, or otherwise ~ the FALSE evidence (appearing real) shows up. On days like that (like, perhaps, a Monday), distractions might arise to make you wonder why you are on this blessed path! 

Self-doubts rears it's lil head - second guessing and questioning whether you were in your "right mind" when you made the decision to follow your call... On days like these - perhaps today, if you feel other than completely aligned and centered, take a breath and remember just how connected you really are. 

Just for today, if you are not feeling TOTALLY CONNECTED within, know that you are connected to SO MANY who are having the same experience... and then, through a conscious, deep breath, the choice to return to your heart, and therefore to your center, is always available...and waiting! 

Join me in taking a breath (right now, in mid sentence :-D and remember: When all else fails, follow your wise heart ~ it knows the way. 

Please feel free to share below as you are called. 

With blessings, <3 Evelyn

#SacredHeart #Courage #PathofPresence#TheCallofSpirit