I declare every Thursday as Thankful Thursday!!
As I give thanks, I become present to the power of how my attitude sets me up for my experience. When I practice mindfulness and give thanks for the abundance of the present moment, I become present to the gift that is my life.
Immediately, I remember that I have everything I need to succeed and live happily: oxygen, water, food, shelter, clothing. Everything else that is present - which is ALWAYS so much more than the basic necessities - is a bonus!
I become present to the abundance that overflows, continuously, creating for me experiences of grace, mercy, and serendipitous fortune!
As a human being, there are times when I forget just how abundant my life is. (Anyone ever experience this forgetfulness?)
When mindfulness of thanksgiving is absent in consciousness, I notice a less ideal experience. I might feel it in my body as constriction. The voice in my head speaks loudly, sometimes shouting. My breath becomes a bit shallow, and I feel tightness all around.