10 to Zen :: Practicing Surrender as a Path of Remembering

If anyone knows me and my sweet family, they'll know that we are upwardly mobile.  Every couple of years, we are on an adventure, and we live in a new state (body, mind, and spirit), allowing us to renew what we need and release what we do not.

Our philosophy that life is to be lived, embraced and experienced has given us the courage to relocate where we want, anywhere in the world.  This privileged lifestyle has paved way for us to meet amazing people everywhere we have resided, and we love it.

This gives way to clear out not simply the physical items, but also the emotional baggage that may have collected. 

One of the most amazing gifts about moving often is the opportunity to clear out what we no longer need.  

Intentionally releasing the item(s) frees the energy to travel back from wherever it came.  This list is part of our moving list now, and I'm sharing it in case anyone wants to join us in surrendering that which no longer serves ...  Aho!



Life is a Series of Tiny Little Miracles

Life is a series of tiny little miracles, and when I am present to this, I am profoundly grateful.

Even before conception, the pattern of possibility is imprinted in our DNA.  Each moment, each breath, each millisecond, life is a miracle.  

One miracle, strung together with another, in each moment of our lives, we become who we are, and we realize who we are to be.

What better way to express thanksgiving but to embrace each moment, living fully in alignment with our soul's purpose?

Whether we accept it, or not, each one of us is a miracle, unfolding as an expression of sacred life. Realize this, and be grateful <3.  Namaste.

Pause...take a breath. 

For moment, what are you present to that is profound to you, dear One?  

Live Life As If Everything is Set in Your Favor

I absolutely LOVE this reminder: "Live life as If EVERYTHING is set in your favor" because it is!

When I was in my early 20's I met Nicki. Nicki was about 5 years younger than me, but what she said made a huge impact on my perspective of life.

I was faced with difficulties of choice and challenge as any 20 something year old would.  I honestly cannot remember what my challenge was, but I remember what she said to me.  

She asked me to look back on all the challenges in my life - every single one of them. She even asked me to call up the most difficult moments that I wished was not so.

And then, she asked me to get present in the moment.  And when I did, she reminded that I am, as I was present, perfectly okay. I am safe, no matter what. 

She asked me to realize that whatever occurred in my past has already happened and that, as things are working itself out right in THIS moment, they too, will be okay.

Without even knowing it, she helped me understand and to subscribe to the belief that truly everything conspires to my favor!  

Everything, ALWAYS works out - either I win, or I learn. Either way, I ALWAYS come up on with abundance overflowing.  This is a miraculous truth:  that everything is set in my favor!  Thank you, and bless you, Nicki, for your sage advice and wisdom!

Can you relate to a difficulty, that you can see now how it has served you?  Please share as you are called.  Namaste, dear Heart.  Light in you as you remember your soul and unfold with grace. <3

Be Grateful for Whoever Comes

Sometimes, the guide that arrives may not be what you expect.  Visitors in our life have a way of teaching us what we need to know.  

The most powerful guides are often those that irk us most - the unfriendly neighbor, other children that tease us, the annoying driver that cut us off in traffic.

These guides are powerful because they remind us of the work we've still got to do.  If we remain open, we might learn that they are exactly what we need to remember the Truth of our being.  

The rude driver might remind us, for example, that we are not petty, and we can forgive easily.  If we are not reminded of this, then, we get to practice forgiveness and compassion!

Our annoying Auntie Mae, for example, might be present to teach us that patience, particularly to bite our tongue. Whomever that is, what ever it is, considering our visitors as teachers can help us better understand ourselves - like a self-study course on insight.  For the gift of appreciating this, I am grateful!

Who or what in your life that came as a disguised blessing are you grateful for?

Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

All the challenges I have ever had has made me stronger, more resilient ... brave.

My experiences, difficult as they may seem at the moment they were occurring had a purpose.  At the very least, they have fortified me to be who I stand today.

If you are facing a difficult situation today, you are not alone.  All that is influx is rearranging itself, conspiring to support us in becoming who we were always meant to be.

Let us count our blessings as the lucky ones to experience the wholeness of life in this situation now.  Amen.

#Blessed #IamBlessed #IamWhole

An Attitude of Gratitude

Ever since I was a little girl, I was taught that your attitude determines your happiness in life.  Regardless of the adversity I've experienced, I have always held this lesson near and dear to my heart:  for all things, be grateful.  

Things go right?  Be grateful.  Things out of control? Be grateful?  Things falling apart? Be grateful.  

Being grateful is the key to all things good.

Honestly, by the time I was a teenager, I was tired of being grateful.  As a teenager, I could remember many things that I was living with that I didn't want to be grateful for - and still, gratitude had been such a foundational practice for me that I found myself giving thanks, even though I was rebelling from family and finding my way.

Today, I give thanks for this foundation.  

My Mom taught me well, to have an attitude of gratitude, regardless of comes my way.  It has been a foundation of abundance, perspective and healing for me.  This lesson continues to teach me that grace is always in the midst and that being grateful is the key to all things good.

Feel the Fear - Do It Anyway

F.E.A.R.   FALSE EVIDENCE, Appearing Real...

Fear reminds us of our humanity.  

Fear, like pain, is a signal for us to pay attention.  It wakes us up to be conscious of our actions, words, deeds and intentions.

If you feel fear today, don't forget to look mindfully, pray ceaseless, and know that you always have a choice.  

Check in, feel it... if the still small voice says YES! (Despite what the ego says) - then listen and act as you are called.

No one ever found new lands without the willingness to leave the shore... <3 

Courage is the Willingness to Act Inspire of Fear

To be true to our soul's calling, we must be brave.

Live courageously, dear Heart, knowing that who we are today is a result of every decision we have ever made in our life:  every thought, every word, every action brings us to present.

...and all is well!

If you are on the cusp of a decision that feels overwhelming, take heart!  Be brave.  Have courage.  

Know that Spirit calls us ways that might feel terrifying.  If this is the case, and fear arises, take a breath ~ know that all is conspiring to help you grow.

Today, embrace that which is calling on your heart, and with courage, take action.